End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers

Introduction End-to-End Object Detection with Transfomers proposes a new model called DEtection TRansformer (DETR) which is an End-to-End…

4 min read

Splitting comma seperated fields into multiple rows in SQLite

I have been using SQLite occasionally to work with large (>100GB) datasets. Recently I had to split out a field that had comma seperated…

2 min read

Deep Contextualized Word Representations

Introduction Deep Contextualized Word Representations has been one of the major breakthroughs in NLP in 2018. Able to easily replace any…

7 min read

The Intelligent Market

This is my final essay for my humanities module Morals and Markets, where we discuss how markets shape morals and how morals shape market…

9 min read

Monocular Dense Reconstruction

Authors: Sanjay Pushparajan, Vivek Kalyan [Github] Motivation With the rising commoditisation of mobile augmented reality, there is an…

2 min read

JavaScript WebView and iOS

I am in the process of building a webGL based AR application. An iOS application opens the webGL-powered website using . The iOS application…

3 min read

Using Git for Word

How to use Git to track Microsoft Word documents. Sometimes Markdown just does not provide the features I need (often with formatting…

1 min read

Hosting a Django application on AWS for free

This is an easy and efficient way to get your Django application hosted on AWS for free. I documented these steps while deploying Contikey…

6 min read

The value of Bitcoin

This is my final essay for my humanities module Digital Sociology, where we discuss how technologies shape interactions between people. In…

7 min read

How to achieve 100% test coverage in React

During my internship at Gametize, I spent a considerable portion of my effort ensuring that the application being created was well tested…

6 min read

Bringing Technology to Construction

I spent the past weekend participating at Hood Disrupt 2017, a property technology hackathon. It was an extremely tiring hackathon, with…

3 min read

Hawker Centres in Singapore

An exploration of various attributes of hawker centres in Singapore using R. Packages required: data.table sp rgdal spatstat ggmap maptools…

7 min read

Debugging in python using print statements

Note: This is a subset of some resources I prepared as a Teaching Assistant for SUTD’s Digital World Students Debugging This is the most…

3 min read